11 Basic Step for Troubleshooting of Un-bootable laptop

Power on the laptop and after a few seconds it shut down itself. Try again and it’s the same thing.
Taking from vendor support, here’s the basic step:
1. Take out the battery and power from the computer and wait for a few seconds. Then press the power button and hold it for a few seconds. This step will release the static from the computer apparently.
2. Put the battery and the charger back on. Try to power it on again.
3. If it’s still not working, try to re-sit the memory.
4. Flip the back of the laptop and open up the cover for the memory. Note: May need to check the manual to locate the memory.
5. Pull out the memory one by one and put them back in.
6. Put the battery and the charger back on. Try to power it on again.
7. If it’s still not working, try to re-sit the hard drive.
8. Flip the back of the laptop and open up the cover for the hard drive. Note: Normally, it’s in the same spot where the memory is.
9. Pull out the hard drive and put it back in.
10. Put the battery and the charger back on. Try to power it on again.
11. If it’s still not working, then contact the laptop vendor.
Photo by MART PRODUCTION: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-man-in-eyeglasses-while-talking-on-the-phone-7255414/
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