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How to use Microsoft Access on MAC OS

  • 29 June 2021

We have a schenario where the user used to have a bootcamp running Windows 10 on Macbook Pro and wants to streamline this by utilising the MAC OS instead and ditch the bootcamp completely. The only issue that the user ran a Microsoft Access on Windows 10 and unfortuntely it’s not going to work on […]


How to Restore from Windows File History when the computer died

  • 20 June 2021

Step-by-Step If the File History running on the NAS, try to find out the location of the path by going directly on mapped drive of that NAS. \\{whatever-the-path-initially\{machine_username}\{machine_name}\Configuration\Config1.xml Open with Notepadd+ or notepad and locate the Target section. <Target> <TargetName></Target/Name> <TargetURL>\\192.168.XXX.XXX\data\Backups\{machine_name}\{username}\</TargetURL> Noted that the TargetURL path. If you plugin to the external harddisk, ensure the […]

sleep mode Apps

What is the behaviour of Sleep mode on a laptop

  • 5 June 2021

User might not knowing the right behaviour of the sleep mode on a laptop. The user can make an assumption that the machine was shut itself. Depending on the configuration, usually, on battery mode, the display was shut after 30 minutes as well as the machine sleep. By default, the configuration was 5 minutes for […]