How to Enable Remote Access to MariaDB Database

We have a requirement to see the production database via a remote connection so we can run queries internally for further analysis. This production server has tightened security already in place.
Get the Public IP address (remote)
Open up the browser and type in the following URL:
Note down the IP address.
Verify the MariaDB server
Log in to the server via the command line.
Ensure the MariaDB server is running by using the following command:
ps -ef | grep -i mysql
You should see the following output:

MariaDB server is by default listening on localhost for security reasons. Check with the following command:
netstat -ant | grep 3306
You should see the following output:
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
Reconfigure MariaDB
You need to configure the MariaDB server to listen to all IP addresses on the system.
Edit via text editor the MariaDB default configuration file on /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf
Change the value of bind-address from to
bind-address =
Save and close it.
Restart the MariaDB service to apply the change:
sudo systemctl restart mariadb
Verify the MariaDB listening status with the following command:
netstat -ant | grep 3306
You should get the following output:
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
Grant Access to the User for a Remote User
Log in to the MariaDB shell with the following command:
mysql -u admin -p
Create a new user:
CREATE USER 'dbuserremote'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'new-password';
Then, grant permission to the remote system with a Public IP (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) address that was collected previously:
GRANT ALL ON targetdatabase.* to 'dbuserremote'@'XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX' IDENTIFIED BY 'new-password' WITH GRANT OPTION;
Flush the privileges:
Lastly, exit from the MariaDB shell:
Reconfigure the Firewall
In this case, we use the UFW firewall. You need to allow traffic for the remote system.
Grant access to the remote system with IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX to connect port 3306 with the following command:
sudo ufw allow from XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX to any port 3306
Finally, reload the firewall with the following command:
sudo ufw reload
Test the Connection from the Remote system
For the MariaDB client, we use the HeidiSQL tool which is free software.
Download and install this software.
Run the HeidiSQL application.
On the bottom, click the New button.
Enter the target server for hostname/IP address.
Enter the username and password.
Click the Open button.
If it’s a successful connection, it will open a new window for HeidiSQL and you can access the database from here.
That is it!!!
Clean up the Connection after finish
Typical of the project, usually it will have an end so it is always a good practice for security reasons to close the unnecessary connection once it is complete.
Delete port 3306 from the public IP address:
sudo ufw status numbered
Marked down the number of the port that needs to be deleted:
sudo ufw delete #
Warning: Be careful working with firewalls; take care not to lock yourself out of ssh session when deleting rules.
Reload the firewall with the following command:
sudo ufw reload
You can also further delete the remote user on MariaDB. This is optional.
The End
Congratulation on reaching the end of this article. We hope we have shed some light on outlining how to enable remote access to the MariaDB database.
We write this so that this is not a fixed article. Like in this journey, we learn as we go and re-write some parts, so please keep pinging with this article.
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