How to mine Cardano ADA Crypto on Windows 10

[Last updated: 2022-01-18]
Just to be clear, you are not mining the Cardano (ADA) coin directly. You use another cryptocurrency to mine via the website and then payout with Cardano (ADA) coin.
I assume that you know the basic information about the Cardano (ADA) coin itself. If you don’t, please check out this post first – Get the Answers about Cardano (ADA) – The Next Big Thing in Blockchain Technology, and then come back to this article.
Let’s get started!
Get a Wallet
First, you need to get the wallet so that you have somewhere to store the ADA that you mine.
On the Cardano website, they have two official wallets. First, there is a light wallet called Yoroi which is available for PC as a browser extension, iOS and Android. For this article, I will be using the full wallet called Daedalus.
Go to the Cardano website and select the Individual and click the Daedalus Wallet link.
Click Download and Select Windows 10.

When it is finished, run the application.

Select the format that suits you. Click the Continue button.

Tick the I agree with terms of service. Click the Continue button.

Click Create button.

Click Create Sherley wallet button.

Tick the box and click the Continue button.
On the page, keep the 24 recovery phrase safe. Click yes, I have written down my wallet recovery phrase.
Do not lose this 24 recovery phrase safe. As these 24 words will be used for if the machine crash or you want to move to another machine, you need to rebuild this wallet. Keep them safe!!!
Enter the 24 words into this. Click Confirm button.
Tick the 2 options. Click Confirm button.

Wait for the wallet synced with blockchain to complete. Please note it will take a while.
Once it’s done. Then select the Receive option.
In this list, you will see the Receiving address.
Click the first one at the top.
Click the Copy the address link.
This will use on the rig configuration below.
At this point, if you need clarification or anything, please feel free to leave us a comment below this article or we can have a chat on our Dewachat website. We are more than happy to help.
Get the Rig
Download the rig from
Note: By the time this blog was written, the version was 6.15.2. There is a new version which is 6.16.2.
Chromium browsers (Chrome, Edge) have protection on downloading this particular file. Use Mozilla Firefox instead and ensure to allow to download the file.
Extract the file and move the folder into C:\Program Files

Inside the folder, open the config.json file with Notepad or any text editor.
Search the “pools” and change the configuration as follow:
"algo" : "rx/0",
"url" : "",
"user" : "ADA.{your_wallet_address}.{worker_name}
Under “user”, ADA is the currency that you want to use. {your_wallet_address} is the wallet address that you copy from the previous step. {worker_name} is a worker name that you can define any name. You can use your computer name for instance.
Save the file.
Run the xmrig.exe as Administrator.
You will see something like this.

That’s it – you are mining it.
Leave this application running.
At this point, if you need clarification or anything, please feel free to leave us a comment below this article or we can have a chat on our Dewachat website. We are more than happy to help.
Check the Unminable
To verify the mining, you go to and wait for 15 minutes after you run the mining app.

Select the RandomX tab.
Enter your ADA address. Click the Search button.
Note: This is the address that you copy from Daedalus Wallet.
You will see something like this.

The auto payout whenever the balance is over 8 ADA.
At this point, if you need clarification or anything, please feel free to leave us a comment below this article or we can have a chat on our Dewachat website. We are more than happy to help.
The End
If you have reached the end of this article, congratulation. Hopefully, we have been able to shed some light on outlining what you need to know to mine Cardano (ADA) cryptocurrency.
We write this in such a way that this is not a fixed article. Like in this journey, we learn as we go and we re-write some parts of the article so please keep pinging with this article or any tech posts.
We also would love to hear about how you deal with the situation and what IT-related challenges you might be facing. Please feel free to leave us a comment below this article or we can have a chat on our Dewachat website.
You can also contact us on the Dewacorp website for your IT support, application integration, application development, or other IT-related. Let us know if you have any questions that we can help with.
Big thank you for the photo by David McBee from Pexels.
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