How to do the Document Sharing in Microsoft Office 365?
Staffs are hardly in the office and there is no centralise server. With multiple devices ranging from laptops/desktops, tablets, and phones with multiple OS such as Windows 8 and MAC, Android, Windows 8, and iOS, sharing documents across the user is very challenging.
Exploring Office 365 for OneDrive for Home Drive and Sharepoint Team site for Shared Drive.
Couple findings:
By the time this document is written, there is no OneDrive for Business for MAC however there is a workaround to use Document Connection in Microsoft Office 2011
The minimum requirement is to have Office 2011 Service Pack 1 Service Pack 1 comes with a Document Connection application which is allowing to connect to Sharepoint and OneDrive/Skydrive
Here are the steps:
Go to Finder > Applications > Microsoft Office 2011 > Microsoft Document Connection
On Document Connection, go to Preference and ensure untick Enable Basic authentication
On Document Connection, select Location > Connect to Sharepoint Site
On Address, type in the following: https://[your_organisation_name] and click Connect
In Office 365 login screen, type in your username and password
If the connection is successful, it will have 4 folders: Documents, Form Templates, Site Assets, and Style Library. This will be your Shared Drive (corporate drive).
Do the same thing for OneDrive for Business. On Document Connection, select Location > Connect to Sharepoint Site
On Address, type in the following: https://[your_organisation_name][your_user_name]_onmicrosoft_com/Documents and click Connect. Note: fill in your username in [your_user_name]
In Office 365 login screen, type in your username and password
If the connection is successful, it will have 1 folder: Share with Everyone. This will be your personal Home Drive (personal drive)
Ensure that on the left-hand side of the Document Connection has 2 Sharepoint connections ie. [your_organisation_name] and Documents
- Microsoft Windows 8
- MAC OS 10.x
- Microsoft Office for MAC 2011
- Microsoft Office 2013
- Android
- iOS
- Document Connection for Mac Problems –
- OneDrive for Business: Mac –
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Photo by Salvatore De Lellis:
[Note: Pageviews – 897 – before migrated from the Dewalist Blog website on 09/08/2020]