Anything To Do with McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO)

What is McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator?
McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator is the open platform to centrally manage security for systems, networks, data, and compliance solutions. With end-to-end visibility and powerful automation that slash incident response times, ePolicy Orchestrator dramatically strengthens protection and drives down the cost of managing security.
When you talk to McAfee Technical discussing the ePolicy Orchestrator issue, you will follow some procedure all the time, and especially if you are not dealing with the antivirus all the time you tend to forget.
These are some useful procedures that I found:
- To check the error log on the client agent: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\McAfee\Common Framework\DB\Agent_EUAUSYDSQD01.log
- To change the Repository on the client, go to Start > All Programs > McAfee > VirusScan Console. In the console, go to Tools > Edit AutoUpdate Repository List.
- To check the error log on the ePO server: C:\Program Files\McAfee\ePolicy Orchestrator\DB\Logs\EpoApSvr.log
- Having an issue where the client device can’t be set to the managed device. To handle this issue, copy the file from D:\Program Files\McAfee\ePolicy Orchestrator\DB\Software\Current\EPOAGENT3000\Install\0409\FramePkg.exe into the client machine and run. Follow the installation procedure. Once it completes, run the following command line: c:\Program Files\McAfee\Common Framwork\CmdAgent.exe /s The GUI will come up, and click the Collect and Sends Props button.
- McAfee ePO 4.5
- Windows 2003 Server
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[Note: Page views – 3,775 – before migrated from Dewalist Blog website on 08/08/2020]