How to Install Linux and Python on iPhone or iPad

You want to access Linux and do the code with Python on the go. You do have a computer around and the only device that you have is iPhone or iPad.
I will show you how to install Linux and Python below. Let’s get started!
Solution – Step by Step
On your iPhone or iPad, tap the App Store.
Search the application called iSH Shell.
Download and run the app.
You will see the Alpine Linux and you run as root.
Note: Alpine Linux is a lightweight Linux distribution. To find out more, go to

To verify, run the following command:
uname -a
To print the current directory, run the following command:
To see the root level of folders, run the command:
cd /
To see the folder list in detail, run the command:
ls -li
To install the Python, run the following command – back to the ~ folder
apk add python3

Once it has done the download and installation, run the command:
You will see the Python terminal. Run the following command:
print("Hello World 2.0")

That is it!
From here, you can add a Bluetooth keyboard to the iPhone or iPad so you can easily type in.
The End
Congratulation on reaching the end of this article. We hope we have shed some light on outlining how to install Linux and Python on the iPhone or iPad.
We write this so that this is not a fixed article. Like in this journey, we learn as we go and re-write some parts, so please keep pinging with this article.
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